
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

the car is not a bunny

Above: My little Sherlock looking through the giant magnifying glass at the Depot children's museum, with a little help from her Grandmother Media.

"Da car not a bunny."

That's what CNE told me on the way back from dinner on Sunday. And you know what? She's absolutely right.

Other important information:

  • I just now figured out how to use browser tabs in Safari. Cool!
  • Now I need to find a "stun" setting for the magic prosperity bracelet. It's working a little too well, and I am nearly swamped with work. This is a great problem to have.
  • Think good thoughts for my friend Alex, won't you? I just learned that she's fighting colon cancer. That is not a great problem to have.

All right, playtime is over. I have magazine pages to download and mark up yet tonight, and a brand new episode of Heroes to watch.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007



Tip: Do NOT give up until Mr. Yellow in the middle gets his own microphone.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

miss fortune

My electronic fortune cookie said, "Stay the curse."

The curse? Was that intentional or not?


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Fox news

I arrived home at 12:30 a.m. after a late night visiting friends. When I checked on Fox, I found him sitting quietly on his dock, fishing pole over his shoulder, gazing meditatively across the lake. Candles floated in tiny paper boats, and lanterns glowed on the grounds around the teahouse.

In other news, I seem to have signed up to attend my 20th high school reunion this summer. Not sure yet whether this is a wise move. But at least one of my best friends from back in the day is going to be there, and it's been a while since I hung out at Mother Media's house, so . . . what the heck. Honestly, I'll be surprised if more than 10 people show up. Hell, I'll be surprised if I show up.

I wonder if Fox has class reunions? He certainly has class.

Other important information:

Chuck Norris never wet his bed as a child. The bed wet itself out of fear.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

just the fox, ma'am

I have a shitload of work to begin in the next two hours, so naturally I’ve chosen to blog instead. Here’s my new favorite way to procrastinate.

As a Gmail user, I have a personalized Google home page. I use it to track important things like the weather, the contents of my inbox, the latest official Star Trek gossip, various job listings, and pithy sayings about Chuck Norris. Handy, right?

Google recently added a new feature: themes. You can choose the background theme for the upper part of the page, and most of the scenes will change slightly during the day based on what time it is in your zip code. Like, if you choose “beach,” the sun rises over the water in the morning and sets on the other side of the screen in the evening. Sure, cute, whatever.

I chose “teahouse” as my theme. There’s a lake in the middle of my landscape, flanked by a Japanese teahouse on one side and an orange grove on the other, with Mt. Fujigoogle in the background. The sun rises on the left and sets on the right — apparently in cyberspace I’m facing south — and so what?

So what is, someone lives there: a sweetly earnest little fox character with ears poking up through a conical hat. I fell immediately in love with Fox, and I check on him about every 10 minutes. He’s a busy creature. Gets more done during the day than I do.

In the morning Fox fishes from the dock in front of his teahouse, then rows his little boat over to the orange grove and picks oranges. He enjoys a meal of sushi and fruit, feeds the ducks, and washes his linens in the lake. (Side note: I think Fox is naked aside from his hat and the wooden sandals he leaves on the shore, so I’m assuming it’s picnic blankets and bedding, not clothing, that he’s laundering.)

Later in the day Fox rows back over to the house, fishing some more along the way. The evening hours find him pouring tea for his supper, playing a stringed instrument on the pier, and gazing up at the stars with his telescope. When nighttime comes, he stretches out in his wee bedroll and goes to sleep. Various caterpillars, dragonflies, and cranes keep him company throughout the day.

Fox is adorable! I’m tempted to get up in the middle of the night to check on him yet again, but so far I haven’t. However, I do really wonder what he’s up to when I’m not looking. I speculate that whoever programmed Fox put a couple Easter eggs in there — that if I caught him at just the right time, occasionally I’d discover him doing something completely out of the ordinary, like dancing the Macarena or talking on a cell phone. As it is, I keep hitting “refresh” on the page to see if he’s doing anything different yet, and I’ve even considered logging his activities for a few days to see whether he keeps to a strict schedule.

Alas, industrious Fox is setting too good an example. I’m off to do a bit of journalism before heading out to dinner with some friends. We’re having pizza. I think Fox is having fish and rice.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Partial Employment Chronicles, Chapter 21

I got another job! I've been offered the position of copy editor for a magazine based in Atlanta. I'll work from home. They publish nine issues a year and pay handsomely. This is exactly the kind of gap-filling gig I was looking for. We'll have a two-issue trial period, and if all goes well, the job is mine permanently.

Hooray! Ice cream for supper tonight! (I finally located a grocery store that carries Stephen Colbert’s Americone Dream yesterday, but it was sold out. GRR!)

Also, the editor of the magazine I used to work for here in town called yesterday to ask me to bid on a rush project. I did, and she'll tell me this afternoon whether I get the job. That would be nice, too.

I've also spent some time recently updating my resume and website as we discussed, and I downloaded some business license-related forms that I need to fill out and send in. And I've posted a reminder for myself to get back to networking — although I'm not sure I'll have time. ;-)

Ask me about my magic bracelet!
