
Sunday, September 30, 2007

grammar, girl

I'm a longtime fan of the Grammar Girl podcast (you can subscribe via iTunes), where the perky host demystifies grammar and word usage in quick quip clips. Writers, editors, and other word nerds should check it out. (But don't confuse it with the Word Nerds podcast. That's a separate, equally excellent entity.)

Anyway, I recently learned that Grammar Girl has spawned its own Flickr group, which comprises photos of bad grammar, apostrophe atrocities, and other language crimes. Click here to enjoy some sinful sinage.

For extra nerd points, subscribe to the RSS feed. I did.


Friday, September 28, 2007

Who's the dork with the iPhone?

Gas prices are down

Blogwalking is back

CNE at 3

This photo currently serves as the wallpaper on my iPhone. Needless to
say, I spend a lot of time looking at the screen.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

pulp fiction

I'm reading a new murder mystery, Dangerous Admissions by Jane O'Connor. The plot seems fine, and I may have walked past the Manhattan location on my last visit to New York.

What's more interesting, however, is the fact that by p. 75, I've already noticed at least half a dozen spelling and typographical errors. Given that the main sleuthy character is a copy editor, I wonder if I should jot the errors down in case they form some sort of code that will tell me whodunit.

And then I think no, that kind of thing only happens in mystery novels.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

pinch me

What's great about today, besides my iPhone:

  • I'm sitting on the deck with a cold beer at my elbow. Although it's late September, I'm in shorts and a tank top.
  • The last episodes of Season 1 of Heroes are playing on my iBook. Season 2 starts tomorrow.
  • I just finished a quick but lucrative project for a favorite client.
  • I spent last weekend in Duluth at CNE's 3rd birthday party, because my flexible schedule allows such things. Everyone had a blast.
  • The yard is freshly mown.
  • The laundry is done AND put away for the first time in months.
  • The cupboards are full.
  • The cats are happy.
  • I just had a really nice phone chat with Mother Media.
  • Sister-san's union strike is over, so she can go back to working and getting paid.
  • The Rev. Nicole and the Kerner, both newly liberated from the cube farm, are already finding paying gigs.

Is this really my life?


Thursday, September 20, 2007





Can't blog now. Busy touching shiny icons.



Monday, September 10, 2007

a penny for your history

Here's a really cool site where you can see penny postcards from all 50 states. Click on a state, then scroll to the bottom of the new page and click on a county. They're really interesting. Check 'em out.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

get educated

Anyone involved in the American educational system as a teacher, administrator, parent, or student must read this excellent post right now. Read the whole thing. Then check out Time magazine's recent cover story on The Genius Problem.

Truth. It does a body good.
