
Thursday, December 27, 2007

etiquette questions

Regarding brownies:
Icing: yes or no?
Nuts: yes or no?

Regarding chocolate chip cookies:
Nuts: yes or no?

Regarding Rice Crispie Treats:
Icing: yes or no?
Mixing other stuff (like peanut butter or M&Ms) with the Crispies: yes or no?
Using non-Rice Krispy cereal: yes or no?

Not that I'm preoccupied with dessert this week or anything. ;-)



  • Brownies:
    Icing: no
    Nuts: yes

    Regarding chocolate chip cookies:
    Nuts: no (unless its walnut choc chip cookies)

    Regarding Rice Crispie Treats:
    Icing: no (are you insane?)
    Mixing other stuff (like peanut butter or M&Ms) with the Crispies: yes (on occasion)
    Using non-Rice Krispy cereal: yes (most decadent, fruity pebbles)

    By Blogger JohnnyNVA, at 4:22 PM  

  • Brownies: No icing and lots of nuts.
    Chocolate Chip Cookies: no nuts.
    Rice Krispie Treats: No icing, no weird fruity cereal, no nuts. But we always put a humongous tablespoon of peanut butter in ours. That way it's breakfast.

    By Blogger Mamacita (The REAL one), at 12:57 AM  

  • Who cares? It's all good (especially if someone else does the cooking)!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:59 PM  

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