
Sunday, February 18, 2007

heading north

In a few hours, aka the dead of night, Sister-san and Chef Jeff will arrive at my house, creep into the guest room, and sleep 'til morning. Then we'll all get up and drive a couple hours north to Duluth to look at houses. CNE is staying behind with her paternal grandparents, which is probably just as well. She's in the midst of potty training, and I don't think a road trip would be great for enhancing that.

Sister-san, always prepared, has already contacted a realtor in Duluth and will come prepared with a list of at least a dozen properties they've seen online and want to walk through in person. My job is to cast an extra critcal eye over the offerings. I'm taking a camera and a notebook.

I'm taking a bunch of work with me to do on the road. Now that I have clients, they seem to expect me to do things for them. And I'll be checking messages for all those calls that are supposed to come in this week. But mostly I'll enjoy indulging in squeeze cheez with my sister and brother-in-law.



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