
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

gimme 5

5 things in my fridge

  1. red pepper hummus
  2. diet Coke with Splenda (can’t do NutraSweet)
  3. pastrami
  4. 3 kinds of mustard
  5. stale rye bread

5 things in my closet

  1. brown suede jacket
  2. 3 pair capri pants
  3. favorite white Land’s End button-down shirt
  4. shapeless dress I never wear
  5. too many shoes

5 things in my handbag

  1. iPod
  2. Treo
  3. small notebook
  4. silver Sharpie
  5. combination compass/whistle/thermometer

5 things in my car

  1. audiobook I listened to last year but don’t remember how it came out
  2. stuffed fish on dashboard
  3. umbrella
  4. box of Kleenex in back window (family tradition)
  5. rifle case containing swords

5 things in my office

  1. 6 photos plus a photo-a-month calendar featuring the Cutest Niece Ever
  2. zebra duckie
  3. novelty book How to Be Popular based on advice from classic teen magazines
  4. cobalt blue teapot & mostly cobalt mug
  5. 2 Chinese lanterns


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