
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

CSI: Sensational Acres

Just got another call from Detective Steve. He asked me to query the credit card companies again to get more specifics about the purchases made with my stolen cards.

Wait, isn't detecting Steve's job? Yes, but he says the card companies are more likely to respond to me, the private citizen whose cards were used fraudulently, than to an official inquiry from an official detective. If Steve called, they'd probably clam up and wait for a subpoena.

So sure, I'll pitch in. That's what lunch hours are for, right? Hey, if it helps bring the bad guys down, I'm on it.


  • Clearly the Midwest is too dangerous -- you need to move somewhere more hospitable -- perhaps with Southern hospitality?

    Let us know. You could chill at a Krispy Kreame or a Waffle House, sipping on fresh Coca-Cola...

    By Blogger Parker, at 7:27 PM  

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