
Friday, February 03, 2006

CSI: Sensational Acres — day 5

Detective Steve called me back this morning just as I was about to leave for work. I gave him the info from the credit card companies. Then he updated me on the latest developments, such as they are, in my case.

Really, not much is happening. There hasn’t been any noteworthy activity at the address the police have been watching. It’s a private residence, not an apartment building. However, they’ve spotted or heard a dog inside the house, so they think people are still coming and going, but discretely.

A couple Sony laptop computers have been pawned in the days since mine was stolen. One was black, one was white. Mine was grey; no match. I really, really wish I had the serial number of mine to make tracing it easier. Lesson: write that stuff down! Detective Steve thinks the laptop is long gone, sold on the street where no one cares about serial numbers.

Detective Steve is working on getting more information from Virgin Mobile, the vendor from which the thieves tried to buy cell phones or whatever. Since the purchases were made online, Steve will have to subpoena Virgin Mobile’s records about the buyer in hopes of tracing a phone number or IP address back to the residence. The subpoena could take several weeks.

Steve cautioned me that even if the charges are traced to a particular address, the homeowner could claim it wasn’t him who made them, and it would be tough to prove one way or the other.

So the wheels of justice are still turning, slowly.

However, I did learn more about the arrest of LD, the woman who had my credit cards. Wanna hear it? Sure you do.

The Case of the Feebleminded Felon
Once upon a time — Monday, January 30, to be exact — LD ran out of the house she’d been visiting in my neighborhood, fearing it was being robbed. (Irony, anyone?) The robbers turned out to be representatives from a bank who had come to foreclose. But I digress.

LD ran to a neighboring home and relayed her fear to the homeowner, someone she did not know. When she left, the homeowner saw her get into a car driven by a man.

When the police, in the person of Officer Tim, arrived to investigate the alleged burglary, that same car (I think the homeowner provided a description) drove by, so the officers stopped it. LD initially gave them a false name, knowing there were felony warrants outstanding for her under her real name.

Officer Tim figured that out quickly enough and arrested her. He put her in the back of the squad car to await the arrival of a female officer who could perform a thorough pat-down search. He noticed, as LD sat back there, that she was trying to shove something into the crack between the seat and the backrest. That something turned out to be two credit cards. Officer Tim recognized the name on them: mine.

LD insisted that she had not been the one to steal the cards; she blamed the man who had been giving her a ride. Since he was from St. Paul, which is a ways away from my suburb, Tim (and later Detective Steve) did not believe her. So she got more specific: She said her husband’s nephew Jesse (she didn’t know his last name) had given her the cards at his house, the one she’d fled. He’d instructed her to use one of them to buy a new TV, for which he would reward her with crack cocaine. The name Jesse matched the name of a known resident at the house in question, so the police were inclined to believe that part of her story.

LD has been formally charged with possession of stolen property in addition to whatever else she was wanted for. She’ll spend a minimum of 10 months at Shakopee Women’s Prison.

Crack. In my ‘hood. Swell.


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